Rain. It’s a beautiful thing. Some people hate it, complain about the inconveniences it causes, the dates it ruins, rage against the dark sky. Some people are afraid, when the lightning flashes and the thunder crashes, and they dive under their covers or put pillows over their heads.
Some people like the rain, blessing the water that helps their plants grow, that makes their grass green. Some people love it, for the drinking water it brings, for the end of the raging thirst, for the hope that maybe, this time around, things will be better.
I? I find pure and simple happiness in rain. When it’s warm, I dance and laugh as it falls, finding energy and joy in the insanity of what I am doing. At night, I’ll sit on my desk, near my window, watching the rain fall, searching out streaks of lightning, waiting for the reassuring rumble of thunder. In a world of surprises and things gone wrong, rain is dependable. It will always come, eventually, and when it brings the thunder and lightning, they are always in the right order, and that order will never change.
When the storm is over, but the clouds are still dark, if the sun is setting and can be seen on the western horizon, the beauty of the sun’s dying light cast on the underbelly of the black clouds is breathtaking, more beautiful than the sunrise, more beautiful than a rainbow. The purple-black clouds themselves are lovely, a wondrous mix of anger and beauty.
And in its nature, rain is wonderful. When it hits the earth, it can provide a much-needed drink for plants, create a bath for critters, or simply make a puddle for a child to splash in. When it hits me, wets my hair, slides across my skin, and soaks my clothes, as it drips off, I can almost see all the grime, all the pain of life, all my mistakes, and everything else that makes me imperfect wash away, leave me clean and pure. As it hits the ground, no longer clear, but black from my dirt, I can almost hear it whisper, “Here’s a fresh start; use it, try again, keep trying, and you will win.”
Yes, some people are afraid of rain, some hate it, some like it, some love it. I thank God daily for the rain, and pray that He sends more soon. If it can clean me of my mistakes and pain, maybe, one day, it can clean the world.