12 January, 2012

Welcome, My Dear Readers

 The TARDIS and a couple Daleks at Chicago TARDIS

...to the Adventures of the Whovian Shelf!

It's a misnomer.  Swear to god, it's not just Doctor Who.  Why?  Because I have Harry Potter LEGOs, a Pokemon, a dragon statue, several rubber ducks, a house made of popsicle sticks, and a ninja.  Why, then, is it called the Whovian Shelf?  Well, because there are eleven Doctor Who figurines.

Go figure.

There may be a plastic sparklepire added in the future.  No promises, because I'm poor.

Anyway, a bit of background for he start of this project:

It's a different option for my English class.  We're supposed to take a picture a day for three weeks.  I decided to theme mine.  After several discarded ideas including The Adventures of God this is what I decided on.

Tune in tomorrow for the first Adventure!


  1. Sweet bloody Merlin, you had darn well be getting a sparklepire! I will help you buy one, if only to add to the hilarity!

    PS - it's your biffle.

    1. Ah, but of course! They can't be - what, more than $20? Unless you're planning on going to Tonner, in which case it's not happening because college.

    2. No, I'm just thinking of the cheap one from Hot Topic or something
