13 February, 2012

Twilight, Chapter 3

So I watched two episodes of Sherlock.  I wanted to watch the next one, but there was dinner and so there will be chores and taking Neenie to the store (I don't even know okay) and watching Criminal Minds and the things are an hour and a half, for god's sake, so it just wasn't happening.

On the other hand, I can bring Twilight to school.  I'm not happy about it, but it's probably the only way this shit's getting done in a timely fashion.  And I do not want it hanging over my head until I go away to college.  Hopefully, there aren't 192 more chapters left in the whole shabang (yes, I'm counting down until I leave.  Already.  Judge me, why don't you) and I can get this done relatively soon.

In all honesty, though, I'm much more interested in the dried blood on the side of my hand than doing this.  But whatever.

So enough with the preface:

Chapter 3: Phenomenon

Bella wakes up to poorly described light.  Guise, guise, it's the same, but different OMG.  There's no fog, apparently.  But there's snow!  Yay for snow!  But Bella doesn't like snow, remember?

Now, the other thing she complains about?  The ice all over fucking everything?  That I get.  You should see me and my sister walking to the bus on icy days.  Not pretty.  And driving in that?  Haha, no.

So Bella finds that she enjoys the fact that Charlie's never home, that she likes being alone, that she doesn't get lonely, that I am identifying too much with her for my own comfort.  But anyway.  Moving on.

She eats food (how intriguing!) and is excited to go to school (the wonders!) and realizes that she only wants to go because then she'd see Edward.  She thinks that this is very, very stupid.  Can she sense the vampirism?  Is she going to act intelligently?  Are we going to have a book?

Unfortunately, yes.

So Bella drives to school, and it's easier than she thought it would be.  When she gets out or her (lovely) truck, she finds out why.  Charlie put chains on the tires.  How sweet!  He cares about her!  RECIPROCATE, BELLA.  BE A GOOD DAUGHTER.

Aren't I hilarious?

So, Bella is standing at the back of her truck, all moist-eyed because her daddy cares when HOSHIT APPROACHING DEATH VAN.  Bella sees several things with much clarity (apparently, to Meyer, two things constitute "several"); a) that Edward Cullen is four cars away, staring in horror, and the HOSHIT APPROACHING DEATH VAN.  She is going to die.

But no!  Here comes her knight in sparkly shining armor, Edward Cullen!  He knocks her out of the way, does fancy vampire shit with his Uber Strength, and then proceeds to tell Bella that she hit her head, of course he was standing next to her, no, he didn't just stop a car with his bare hands, no, that dent doesn't actually fit his body, she's hallucinating or on drugs or something, and then the ambulance comes.

We get ourselves a token hospital scene written by someone who doesn't want her main character to have suffered any ill effects from hitting her head on the ground in which we are introduced to The Beautiful, The Lovely, The Wonderful (The Young,) Dr. Carlisle Cullen.

*aside* Do we know his first name yet?  Like I said, I know basically what happens, having read the books before seen the movies read Cleolinda's recaps.

But I digress.

So Edward tries (again) (unsuccessfully) to convince Bella that she saw what she didn't see.  Also, I have to mark something down for future reference:  Twilight, page 65: Bella does not like lying.  She says so her self.  Look:

"Nobody will believe that, you know." [Edward's] voice held an edge of derision now.
"I'm not going to tell anybody."  I said each word slowly, carefully controlling my anger.
Surprise flitted across his face.  "Then why does it matter?"
"It matters to me," I insisted.  "I don't like to lie—so there'd better be a good reason why I'm doing it."

She says it right there.  Did you see it?  I even highlighted it!  (Lowlighted, whatever.  The text is light.)  I get the feeling that this will be of great importance later in the book(s).

So Bella had no lasting damage, she can go home, and she does.  Well, Charlie takes her home.  And then mother-hens her all day.  Sweet.  Slightly annoying, but sweet.  And Bella can't stand it.  And Charlie told Renée, and she got all worried, and Bella had to reassure her "thirty times" and then she gets fed up with everything and goes to bed.  And...

That was the first night I dreamed of Edward Cullen.
Why do I get a really bad feeling about this? [insert token Han Solo reference]

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4

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