04 July, 2012

Twilight, Chapter 10

Dammit, I want to be rereading Elegy.

There’s pretty Kate/Maggie things and sexy Batwoman awesomeosity and I was IN TEARS DAMMIT.

Also I want a Loki.

But I have to do this.

Chapter 10: Interrogations

Bella wakes up the next morning trying to convince herself that the previous night hadn’t been a dream. There’s some badly written “romantic” stuff and then Bella leaves for school.

But Edward is there. In her driveway. In his car. Creepin’ like a fucker.

Am I overreacting, or does this seem WAY TOO MUCH like stalking? Maybe it’s because I’ve been stalked that I’m reacting like this.

Did I ever tell you about that? Well, it fits here, so here it goes.

It wasn’t even stalking in the traditional sense, which is probably why it went on for so long without me doing anything about it. That, and I was so fucking starved for attention and affection at that point that I accepted in in any form, even Creeper. But that’s a different story entirely.

So this kid, Stan, went to my youth group for a while. That was where we met. Somehow, within the first few weeks, he knew way more about me that he should have. I still don’t know how he got his information, seeing as I wasn’t any sort of online presence at the time (I didn’t have a Facebook or anything; just an e-mail address). It was when he let slip that he knew the layout of my house that I started getting scared. I stopped answering his texts and phone calls, but the bugger was so fucking persistent. I eventually had to get my big brother on him, and that didn’t even make it stop. That was the point that I knew this kid was just batshit, and it would take something drastic to make him go away.

My brother, see, is fucking massive. Think quarterback-sized. He’s six-foot-five, strong enough to pick up our two next-biggest co-workers at the same time, and looks it. Granted, this was over three years ago, but my brother was still a giant back that. He was a senior when this started, and Stan and I were both freshmen. In comparison, Stan was maybe five-foot-eight and stick-thin.

I did eventually get him to go away in an amusing and unconventional manner by the beginning of my junior year, but that’s a story for another time.

The point is, this sort of thing isn’t fun. It isn’t something you can joke about, or say doesn’t matter. I spent almost two years looking over my shoulder, wondering if some crazy guy was going to explode out of the bushes and kidnap me. I joke about being kidnapped all the time, but that’s by my friends and with my permission, so what I joke about isn’t really kidnapping, just my friends showing up at random times and running off with me. This? This is something entirely different. This is scary and bad and very much not okay, and the fact that Bella is so casually accepting what Edward is doing bodes very ill.

Anyway, back in Bizarro World, Meyer attempts to describe Edward’s face by comparing it to his body…which she also has described. There is “touching concern” or something and then that ridiculous clichéd shit about Bella being the ~only one~ who doesn’t do something and that’s a really fucking stupid reason to “fall in love” with someone, just so you know. Also, Edward's pissy because he doesn't know exactly what Bella is thinking all the time. Of all the duck-headed, entitled assholes...

They say things and I really don’t know what the hell is going on. Rosalie has a nice car. Things happen. Bella gets her jacket back. Jessica wants to talk. Edward says he'll be spying.


I’ll be back later…

*one poem, several pages of prose, and a visit from my boyfriend later*

So, after that boundary-ignoring fucker Edward leaves, Bella goes to class, where she talks to Mike for a bit, then we skip over the rest of that class and all of the next to get to Bella and Jess talking. Bella sums up the night, sans vampire info. Ridiculous things about Jess thinking that Edward being gorgeous made up for his flaws which was obviously thrown in so that Meyer could try to make you think she, the author, didn’t think the same thing and how much Bella likes Edward and distracting Jess by talking about Mike follow, and then it’s lunch time and Edward’s there and they get food and something about dirt and honestly, this is giving me a headache.

There’s discussion of the talk with Jess and Edward wants to make Bella think a certain way and is made that she thinks a different way and somebody mentions golden topaz amberscotch and Edward gets angry that Bella doesn’t answer fast enough and THIS FUCKING SCREAMS ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP.
Then there’s fuckwittery about who likes who more and Bella’s lack of self-esteem pisses Edward off and that pisses me off and more fuckwittery about who likes who more and Edwards acts bi-polar and I’m just facepalming all over the the fucking place. Then they talk about doing Other Things the day of the dance and Edward finds Bella’s fears about his driving irrational and I’m ready to break his fucking nose.

Anyway, they aren’t going to Seattle, Bella will get to see Edward in the sun, and Bella’s mortality becomes a sore spot (why, I’ll never know), so they move on. The subject is switched to hunting and guys. Guys. I wanna see Emmett wrestle a bear. This bit is actually rather funny I WANNA SEE EMMETT WRESTLE A BEAR and really, I don’t know why Bella and Edward can’t see it.

Edward doesn’t want to take Bella hunting and she can’t figure out why (it’s obviously because he’d eat her) and Edward gets angry that Bella is asking questions. Then they go to class, and this chapter and this review are over.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9


  1. poetry and prose are good. Visits from the boyfriend are even better. But you didn't mention me?! *pretends to be affronted* I see where I stand, then!

    Obviously I'm kidding. And your reactions are...strangely amusing.

    Mkay, that is all! :D

    1. Technically, you weren't in the equation. I actually wrote this almost two weeks ago, before you came up.
